First - Meaning of LandLocked Land

Landlocked land refers to a piece of property that has no direct access to a public roadway, meaning it is entirely surrounded by other privately owned parcels of land. Owners of landlocked property cannot reach their land without crossing neighboring properties. This situation can complicate access and development and often requires negotiations for easements or rights-of-way from neighboring landowners to establish legal access.

Lake Crest Lot Locked small lot asking 2k36.0673, -95.285336° 4' 2.2955" N 95° 17' 16.3496" WSize - Land sqft. 7,183Estimated Value if unlocked - 10k-15k 1 person can give access on multiple sides and talk to them for unlock. I am selling as is with no involvement in unlocking(people ask me to help all the time when if I unlock it I want 15k so I feel I need to say this lol)This property is near the lake

Lake Crest Lot LandLocked asking 2k 36.06589, -95.2831536° 3' 57.2195" N 95° 17' 8.6096" WSize - 9,749 Sq FtNo restrictions Estimated Value if unlocked - 10k-15k 1 person can give access on multiple sides and talk to them for unlock. I am selling as is with no involvement in unlocking(people ask me to help all the time when if I unlock it I want 15k so I feel I need to say this lol)This property is near the lake

Old House Spavinaw right off HWY - we got permission to drive through another person's place, but not written permission - so someone would have to ask again. - Asking 5k 36.38719, -95.0529536° 23' 13.8995" N 95° 3' 19.8896" WSize - 7498 Sq FTThis place has all utilities - if unlocked worth quite a lot - 20k+